But what's the cost to the news consumer? It means more articles from more sources and more often. As our clients in the muni bond industry know, there's already too much to stay on top. How will we go forward? This is a significant business hurdle and those who master it will enjoy great competitive advantage. If you run a company that gets an advantage through information, i.e. knowing more than the other guy, the cost of culling the wheat from the chaff is going to go up. We can assume everyone will read the obvious large publishers - that's a level playing field, instead the advantage goes to those who can find nuggets of insight in thousands or millions of other publishers.
Consider the turmoil from Puerto Rico's debt crisis. If you wanted to read all about it, you can Google it and get several million links to read. But what if you wanted to stay on top of the latest information about Puerto Rico, Inyo County hospital, and the Orlando Airport Authority? You could Google variations of these words several times a day to see if anything new happened. What if there are 20 things you need to watch, or 100, or 1,000? Trying to stay on top of just a few topics reported across thousands of sources will bring people to tears quickly.
The point Andreesen makes is clear. The amount of media published is going up fast. Automated intelligence gathering that can be personalized to specific business needs will grow along with it to separate the valuable signal from the noise.