Bitvore Blog

fallout from the Port of Baltimore bridge disaster.

Written by Bitvore content team | Mar 29, 2024
In today's post, let's explore the fallout from the Port of Baltimore bridge disaster, including its impact on suppliers, customers, competitors, and OEMs.
We are tracking the implications for over 50 companies, both directly and indirectly affected, using our application, in10.
With in10's AI algorithms, monitoring complex and evolving situations becomes straightforward, eliminating the need for manual searches.
For example, we noticed a 400% increase in content starting from the event early Tuesday morning as the event unfolded and news coverage started.
A clear indication of a significant event and potential disruption of day-to-day operations.
We kept our users informed through our alerting functionality, ensuring they remain aware of ongoing challenges and the companies impacted.
in10 tracks from 80,000 sources of information to make sure our clients get everything they need to know in 10 second or less.