Bitvore Daily Briefs

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Monitor key material changes in businesses, municipalities and markets with these free Daily Briefs from Bitvore's AI. Nearly 300,000 sources of business information are analyzed for early warnings of risk and to spot new business opportunities.

Subscribe to Bitvore Daily Briefs on topics requested by our customers.  Select any of the following to start your daily alert subscription.

Public Sector Briefs:

  • Muni Daily Brief. Covers material changes in risk within US municipal debt obligors.
  • New Money in the Public Sector. See approved new budgets and projects in health care, education, transportation and municipal governments.
  • SALT, Wayfair and Tax Reform 2.0. Track the ripple of the US Supreme Court Wayfair decision and Tax Reform 2.0 implications for high-tax states.
  • Disaster and Reconstruction. Track fires, hurricanes, earthquakes and other disasters as well as associated reconstruction to determine portfolio impact.

Corporate Briefs:

  • Corporate C-Level Exec and Board Changes. Covers C-level executives or board members joining or leaving a company/board of directors.
  • Corporate Labor Changes. Identifies a variety of salient topics related to a company’s employees, including furloughs, hiring, layoffs, labor contracts, strikes, pay increases, union issues, etc.
  • Corporate Facilities Changes. Covers company facilities changes such as leasing, opening, closing, expanding or renovating a facility.

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