Council of the European Union approves Artificial intelligence (AI) Act

Enhancing Investment Processes with Unstructured Data and AI

Tech Pioneer Andrew Clinick joins Bitvore as an Advisor

Financial Companies Mulling the Impact of the UK’s FCA Anti-Greenwashing Rule

European Parliament Adopts Environmental, Human Rights Sustainability Due Diligence Law

Navigating the Impact, Growth, and Challenges of Generative AI Adoption for Risk Management: Insights from Vera Silver, Bitvore CIO

One of Benjamin Graham’s most famous quotes is “The essence of investment management is the management of risks, not the management of returns.” Recently, we sat down with Vera Silver, Chief [...]

SEC Approves Climate Disclosure Rules

After a lengthy decision-making process, on Wednesday, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced changes to its climate disclosure rules. These will require standardized climate-related [...]

Europe’s ESG Focus Remains Unabated

The European Banking Authority (EBA) recently launched a public consultation on draft Guidelines on the management of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks. The draft Guidelines set out [...]

European Union Agrees to Regulate AI

European Union lawmakers struck a deal last Friday agreeing to one of the world’s first major comprehensive artificial intelligence laws. Called the AI Act, the landmark legislation sets up a [...]

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