When it Comes to AI, it’s Time for Companies to Think Bigger

Right now, much of the corporate and governmental investment in artificial intelligence is iterative. We're fond of citing that 50% of AI products are concentrated in just two product [...]

On the Eve of New Turing Honors, is his Famous Test Still Relevant?

Computer scientists rejoiced on March 25th, 2021, when they learned that Alan Turing, a pioneer in the field of cryptography and computing technology, would be honored by appearing on the British [...]

Limiting the Impact of AI Systems On Critical Decision Making

How do you trust AI systems? The answer is that right now, the state of AI isn't advanced enough for humans to fully trust these solutions. Human approval and authorization should always be required [...]

Applying Security Principles to AI Production

AI is becoming more common—which of course means that bad people are going to try and attack it. It’s a tale as old as time, but are AI companies doing enough to protect themselves and their products?

Getting Customers to Trust Your AI

AI development may draw from standard software development processes, but from the customer's perspective, AI solutions are very different from anything they've relied on before. While traditional [...]

What’s the Line For AI?

Artificial intelligence can reshape our lives in countless ways. But it's important to remember that AI is just a tool. Like any tool, it can be used for constructive or destructive purposes. And [...]

AI Stumbles Without Good Data, Despite Advances in Techniques

Data is important to AI—and probably more important than you think. Data scientists and developers like to tout their AI techniques and models, but there's no such thing as a model that doesn't fall [...]

The Future of Artificial Intelligence: 3 Predictions

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need for flexibility, rewarding those companies most adept at adjusting to changing conditions. With the end of the pandemic on the horizon, businesses are [...]

How AI Can Lead to Better Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Investing

Wealth managers have a lot of data at their fingertip these days. They can precisely tailor investments to their investors' appetite for risk, using AI financial tools to gauge the business climate [...]

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