Back in June, we reported on the financial crisis at Crittenden Regional Hospital in West Memphis, AR. Despite receiving a voter-approved lifeline in the form of a special sales tax, the hospital was [...]
Marc Joffe, Senior Policy Analyst

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At Bitvore, we see a lot of news about electronic cigarettes (or e-cigs for short). Opinions about the nicotine delivery devices run the gamut: some see them as a way to reduce the incidence of [...]
Despite improving economic conditions, state credit ratings have remained under pressure in 2014. Thus far, the states of Kansas and New Jersey have both been on the receiving end of several adverse [...]
Shortly after the South Napa earthquake rattled my northern California neighborhood, I started wondering: “what does this all mean for local municipal bonds?” While a rational response to such a [...]
Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff popularized the notion of sovereign serial defaulters – nations that repeatedly go through cycles of fiscal mismanagement, default and recovery. High profile [...]
Stadiums and arenas often generate drama not just for sports fans, but for bondholders as well. For the Phoenix suburb of Glendale, the latest episode of stadium anxiety played out last week. Market [...]
In the muni market, issuance is widely distributed around the country. Thus, local media often learn about potential bond issues before the financial press. By mining local media, Bitvore can help [...]
The popular HBO series Boardwalk Empire portrays Atlantic City in the midst of its Prohibition-era heyday when tourists, booze and money were flowing liberally. The upcoming season will portray the [...]
Last week, Moody’s downgraded King’s Daughters Medical Center’s (KDMC’s) debt from A2 to A3. The agency cited “a large $40.9 million Department of Justice settlement” as one of the reasons for [...]