AI Trends You Should Know About

Artificial intelligence has morphed from a cinematic fantasy to an integral part of society today. As AI becomes more immersed in every aspect of human existence, the implications and potential uses [...]

AI Uses Hide-and-Seek Games to Help Evolve Technology

Natural selection paved the road for unicellular organisms to transform into the sentient human race we know today. Researchers at OpenAI now believe artificial intelligence may be capable of [...]

Data Lake vs. Data Swamp: Achieving Informational Clarity

The dawn of the technological age is upon us. Nearly all organizations use data storage to facilitate daily operations. Cloud storage and servers have long since replaced file cabinets and manilla [...]

Using AI Technology to Spot AI Text

The world as we know it is transforming due to advancements in artificial intelligence technology.AIis currently used for automating business processes, gaining insight through data analysis, and [...]

Bitvore Announces Municipal Obligor Sentiment Scoring to Identify Emerging Opportunity and Risk

Bitvore Municipal Obligor Sentiment Scoring Allows Users to Glean Leading Indicators of Performance from Unstructured Data Sources in Real Time

We are pleased to announce sentiment scoring for [...]

Bitvore Announces Company Sentiment Scoring to Identify Emerging Opportunity and Risk

Bitvore Company Sentiment Scoring Allows Analysts to Glean Leading Indicators of Performance from Unstructured Data Sources in Real Time.

We are pleased to announce sentiment scoring for companies. [...]

Google's TPU Pods are Breaking Records — And We Aren't Surprised

Google recently announced that it set three performance records in the latest MLPerf benchmark consortium (maximum likelihood performance inference for the uninitiated). MLPerf v0.6 results are now [...]

Financial Predictability Through AI Monitoring and Reporting

By harnessing the power of data collection, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and other AI techniques, you can glean insights into emerging issues with municipal obligors (and associated muni bonds [...]

Big Players Attempt to Insert Common Sense Into Artificial Intelligence

Common sense in humans? Certainly not a guarantee. Case in point: the recent bank robber who scribbled his demand letter on a piece of paper that had his name and address on the other side.

Common [...]

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