Happy Holidays from Bitvore!

We got the rare opportunity to have the entire Bitvore team pause in one place and take a picture. Here's the team behind the product, at least the 2013 team. We're looking forward to new employees [...]

Changing the Muni Bond Industry

Bitvore was cited as the solution to help the muni bond traders shift the industry towards being pro-active. Triet Nguyen from Axios Advisors said about Bitvore, "Crossover investors in particular [...]

Making Activity Streams Useful to Business People

Lots of analysts and writers talk about the business value flowing through the streams of social and enterprise information but what business leaders expect people to sit in front of those streams [...]

Disaster Recovery in Real-time

We are saddened to hear about the tragedy unfolding across the Philippines. Typhoon Haiyan has done massive damage to the people and infrastructure of the region. This region is a great case where [...]

Practical Commercial Applications of Big Data

At Bitvore, we believe in something simple. We believe the growing torrent of information in the world will lead to more competitive industries once simple solutions to real problems are available. [...]

Solving for Variety - Attacking the 3rd "V" in Big Data

Variety is a tough problem to crack and it is part of the reason Bitvore is a breakthrough.  According to a recent article by Mahesh Kumar at BDNACorp, the sheer complexity of the many data sources [...]

Bitvore's Mission to Bring Real-Time Information to Business

We're glad you found Bitvore. We've been working on Bitvore for quite some time and have only recently begun saying anything public about our mission. Bitvore's mission is to bring real-time [...]

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