False Claims Act / Stark Law Litigation Threatens Hospital Bondholders

Last week, Moody’s downgraded King’s Daughters Medical Center’s (KDMC’s) debt from A2 to A3. The agency cited “a large $40.9 million Department of Justice settlement” as one of the reasons for [...]

MSRB EMMA plus BITVORE help address Rule G-47 disclosure compliance

MSRB EMMA is the authoritative source of official statements and official filings of material events abouteach municipal bond. However, like buying stocks based only on annual and quarterly reports, [...]

Crittenden Regional Hospital on the Edge - UPDATE

** UPDATE:  The hospital won’t reopen until July, but voters approved the 1% sales tax initiative thereby preserving the hospital and keeping creditors whole for the time being.

Source:  [...]

South Carolina State University Financial Crisis Could Impact Bondholders

Last week, Bitvore users learned that South Carolina State University was facing a severe financial crisis. According to local news articles we captured, the school needs an emergency infusion of [...]

Sports Team Decisions Create Risk to Bond Holders

Last week’s Clippers/Warriors NBA playoff series was pretty exciting, but now the Golden State Warriors are creating some unwanted excitement for municipal bond investors.

The team has announced [...]

G-47 Time-of-Trade Disclosures - Now Material Information is Served Up Fast and Easy

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" [...]

Spike in news about Jacksonville pension shortfall

Pension underfunding has been a major concern for municipal bond investors in California, Illinois and Michigan. But pension shortfalls can pop up anywhere, and news of underfunding problems is [...]

Early Warnings for Bogalusa, LA Bond Investors

Our nation has thousands of smaller cities, and no one keeps tabs on their financial condition in real time. Consequently, municipal bond investors can be caught by surprise when one of these cities [...]

Bitvore #4 in Forbes Top 10 Biz Crowdfunding Campaigns of All Time

Hot off the digital presses, Bitvore is in great company on this rating in Forbes. That certainly is nice to see! Good to see two Irvine CA companies on the list of all time best - congrats to our [...]

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