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Bitvore makes history!

Crowdfunding history, that is.  It's official that Bitvore is the top equity crowdfunding campaign.   Check out this cool Infographic from Crowdfunder. Bitvore is the #8 on the Top Crowdfunding [...]

Extracting Value from the Unstructured Internet

Gaining insights from unstructured data is valuable but requires a daunting collection of skill and technology. Gartner says "Unstructured data growth is rapidly outpacing structured data and is [...]

Falling oil prices cascade into falling cash in municipalities

It's like watching dominoes fall these days. Bitvore for Munis is picking up a chain of independent media outlets reporting the budget impact caused by that falling oil prices. Long Beach, Kern [...]

Higher Ed Budget Shortfalls: Shawnee State Sees Declining Enrollment

A recent story crossing the Bitvore platform reminds us that many of the nation’s smaller universities face enrollment and cost pressures that could impact bondholders. The Portsmouth Daily Times [...]

Bitvore for Munis 2.0 is here! Credit News on Obligors & Issuers

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" [...]

I have more data than time!

"I have more data than time!" is a common complaint that we hear from customers. Not long ago the problem was access to data. Today, access isn't a problem, it's making use of all the data pouring [...]

$120M Sales Lead for Bond Underwriters in Ohio

This new bond underwriting opportunity just popped up on Bitvore for Munis obligor news system. Montgomery County commissioners just approved $120M in revenue bonds the proceeds of which will be [...]

MSRB EMMA plus BITVORE help address Rule G-47 disclosure compliance

MSRB EMMA is the authoritative source of official statements and official filings of material events abouteach municipal bond. However, like buying stocks based only on annual and quarterly reports, [...]

G-47 Time-of-Trade Disclosures - Now Material Information is Served Up Fast and Easy

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="yes" overflow="visible"][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" [...]

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