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Can You Really Have All the Answers?

The original Magic 8 Ball has all the answers you need.

Are You Ready for Some Football?

Yeah, we know its still preseason, but we can’t help it. It’s football season! Crisp fall air (ok, so it’s 95 degrees today, but whatever), kids are going back to school and ESPN is on round the [...]

To Be or Not To Be….What We Are Not

We talk to people all day, every day about what they want – and don’t want - from their intelligence tools and apps for business. And what most people want is clarity with little irrelevant junk. [...]

Intelligence Overload – Part Two

We’re back for Part Two talking straight about ‘Intelligence’ – the what and the why and everything in between. And based on the feedback from last week, it seems like we hit a nerve (in a good way). [...]

Part One: Are we on “Intelligence” Overload?

We’re not talking about Phi Beta Kappas, rocket scientists or crazy high IQs. Nor are we talking about the surveillance kind (think Edward Snowden). No, we are talking about the information kind and [...]

Urban Legends & Missed Opportunities

“A day late and a dollar short.”

                                     “Better late than never.”

Getting Your Business News – 3 Ways that Aren’t Working

We confess. We do love a good Sunday paper. There’s nothing quite like the early morning thud of the Sunday Times hitting your front door. It’s the one day where we can luxuriate in the time to read [...]

Creative Options to Financing Entrepreneurs

NerdWallet did a nice job on this article summarizing some of the non-traditional methods of accessing precious cash to operate a business.

Answers about crowdfunding from a CEO in the trenches.

I get calls each week from a entrepreneurs across the globe asking for references and insights about equity fundraising through crowdfunding. We've got a lot to say on the subject.   Bitvore was [...]

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