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Top Eight Reasons Why Google Alerts Don't Work

You may rely on Google Alerts to push you critical business changes and news regarding your specific set of customers or target companies on a daily basis. And, we needn't tell you how chasing [...]

Sentiment Analysis Comes to Bitvore Customers via Finch

Quantified Munis: Visualizing The Education Sector

Since it is back to school season, today's visualization decomposes the market of muni obligors offering bonds in the Education Sector.

Muniland: Bitvore 3 Adds Hot Topic Alerts and Reporting

All our users will now get two helpful new features.  The new Custom Topics and Reporting are two areas frequently requested by both analyst and sales teams preparing for reviews and calls.

10 Most Funded Crowdfunded Projects of All Time

Starting a business requires multiple things. Patience, perseverance, and dedication are a few of the most common traits needed to be successful. Capital is the external factor that needs to be [...]

AI Platform Trawls Internet for Bond Data

Platform is trained to act like a credit analyst.

Artificial Intelligence is Radically Changing Risk Assessments in the Muni Market

Why 3 of 4 rating agencies use A.I. and what it does

How can you predict a fire before seeing flames and smoke? Look for the spark. In the municipal bond market, finding the spark is the subject of [...] captures reason why big companies are turning to Bitvore AI

Nick Hastreiter published a great articles at The article does a nice job explaining why AI can help so many business people who waste time dredging the internet for information or simply [...]

Bitvore Makes Entrepreneur’s List of 4 Most Important AI Technologies for Businesses

We are very excited that our technology is being acknowledged as a real world application of AI that makes businesses more competitive. The global marketplace is racing towards intelligent automation [...]

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